Host an Event ?

Want to host a PublisHer Event?

As a community-driven organization, PublisHer invites interested individuals and organizations to host independently-organized events under its platform.
These guidelines aim to assist potential event partners in applying for funding to host a PublisHer event and successfully delivering an event that expands PublisHer’s global impact.

(Link to guidelines document)

How to apply?

Individuals and organizations interested in hosting a PublisHer event start by submitting the Event Proposal Form. Upon submission, the PublisHer team conducts an initial proposal review to ensure all required information has been provided and that the proposed event is aligned with PublisHer’s objectives.

Proposals aligned with PublisHer’s objectives are further evaluated to identify strengths and areas of improvement. Based on this review, PublisHer will approve the proposal, request modifications, or reject the proposal. Approved events must closely follow the proposal with the approval provided for hosting one event.